WARN Alerts List

This list will receive notifications when WARN weather nets are about to occur. This list is mainly for pagers, cell phones, and other devices capable of receiving text messages via Internet email.

If you are not in the WARN coverage area, meaning Greater Cincinnati and its surrounding counties, you will probably not want to subscribe to this list. The alerts on this list will apply to Cincinnati area Skywarn only.

Also be aware that there may be technical circumstances beyond our control where your device provider may not allow alerts in some situations.

Your Name:

Amateur Radio Callsign:
(leave blank if none)

Your Device's E-Mail Address:

Subscribe (join the list)
Unsubscribe (leave the list)

This subscription (or unsubscription) will need to be approved by a mailing list moderator, so please note that there may be up to one day delay between the time you subscribe here and when the subscription is actually processed.

You can also get real time WARN alerts and news from Twitter (@CincySkywarn) and Facebook (facebook.com/CincySkywarn).

If you have trouble subscribing to, or unsubscribing from the list, please send e-mail to brad@n8qq.com and describe the problem in detail.