Well, it is welcomed by those that hate the summer heat and humidity, and cursed by those that like to float around in their pools. People that hate raking leaves dread its arrival. Be that as it may, there is no stopping fall. It’s just around the corner.
WARN would like to remind everyone that severe weather can occur this late in the year, although it becomes less frequent. If the NWS calls, we will still activate our Cincinnati area weather net. Keep the batteries charged!
Through September, we will maintain the weekly amateur radio training net every Wednesday at 19:30 EDT on the 146.88 repeater. Beginning in October, the WARN training net will switch to a monthly schedule. Nets will be conducted on the first Wednesday of the month at 19:30 Cincinnati time, on the same frequency.
We will switch back to the weekly schedule next March.
We appreciate all the assistance we have received through the 1998 severe weather season. Many of you have spent as many hours watching the sky as we have. It seems like this year, more than usual, nets went into the early morning hours. It won’t be long before we start making plans for the 1999 season. All spotters are encouraged to refresh their skills next spring by attending a National Weather Service sponsored spotter course. We will provide links to Cincinnati area course information when it becomes available.